Instructions on Using EBooks on Mobile Devices
There are a few ways you can use our services to obtain eBooks and audiobooks. You can download titles on ValleyCat, our San Joaquin Valley Library System search engine, or you can use a program called Libby. We also offer Palace Project, which features thousands of additional titles provided by the California State Library. The three programs are capable of offering different things.
Step-by-step: Download EBooks on ValleyCat
You can borrow and enjoy free eBooks, audio books, and more from your library digital collection. All you need to get started is an internet connection, a library card and these three steps:
1. Log in to ValleyCat
Visit the Mariposa County Library Catalog
Log in using your library card number (listed on the back of your library card under the barcode) and your pin (don't know your pin? Call the library at (209)966-2140 during open hours to find it)
2. Search for a book and borrow it
Search the collection and borrow a title from your libraries digital collection. To search for downloadable eBooks audio books use the search setting shown below (set the parameters to Digital Catalog). The second bar can be changed to search by author, subject and more. Once you have selected a book you can either click "Place Hold" or "Download" to the right hand side of the title.
You can borrow and enjoy free eBooks, audio books, and more from your library digital collection. All you need to get started is an internet connection, a library card and these three steps:
1. Log in to ValleyCat
Visit the Mariposa County Library Catalog
Log in using your library card number (listed on the back of your library card under the barcode) and your pin (don't know your pin? Call the library at (209)966-2140 during open hours to find it)
2. Search for a book and borrow it
Search the collection and borrow a title from your libraries digital collection. To search for downloadable eBooks audio books use the search setting shown below (set the parameters to Digital Catalog). The second bar can be changed to search by author, subject and more. Once you have selected a book you can either click "Place Hold" or "Download" to the right hand side of the title.
3. Enjoy
You can enjoy many titles immediately online, download them for offline use, or send borrowed eBooks to a kindle device for the duration of your lending period
You can also transfer titles from your computer to a compatible eReader or MP3 player.
You can enjoy many titles immediately online, download them for offline use, or send borrowed eBooks to a kindle device for the duration of your lending period
You can also transfer titles from your computer to a compatible eReader or MP3 player.
Need some more help?
Call the Mariposa Library during open hours at (209) 966-2140
Call the Mariposa Library during open hours at (209) 966-2140